Monday, March 14, 2011

How to create user account for In App Purchase testing?

Apple provides a sandbox environment for developers to test app without creating real financial transactions. The sandbox environment returns transactions as if payments were processed successfully.

The sandbox environment uses special iTunes Connect accounts that are limited to In App Purchase testing. You cannot use your normal iTunes Connect account to test your store in the sandbox.

1. Log into iTunes Connect and go to page "Manage Users"

2. Select "Test User", then click "Add new user" on next page

3. Fill in all information, then click "Save"
- email address of the test account can't be associated with any other Apple account
- don't log into a production environment with test account, otherwise the account credentials will become invalid and cannot be used as a test account again
- email address doesn't need be valid
- password should contain at least one number and capital character

4. All test accounts will be listed here

ref: iTunes Connect Developer Guide

Thursday, March 10, 2011


1. 中華有機豆腐 *2盒
2. 豬絞肉 *250g
3. 青蔥 *1支
4. 蒜頭 *3顆
5. 花椒 *1小茶匙
6. 辣椒 *1支
7. 豆瓣醬
8. 辣油
9. 醬油


1. 豆腐取出切塊後丟入沸水中泡著 (據說燙過之後豆腐比較容易入味也比較不容易破掉)
2. 青蔥切小段, 蒜頭切末
3. 起油鍋爆香花椒後把花椒撈起來 (花椒炒太久會苦)
4. 丟入蒜末辣椒炒香
5. 加入豬絞肉炒散及用辣油, 豆瓣醬, 醬油調味
6. 豆腐放至鍋中加適量水燉煮, 小心翻拌讓豆腐均勻入味
7. 完成

參考: 紐西蘭美女, 果味山小湯匙

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

How to upload binary to iTunes Connect?

1. Login to iTunes Connect and go to page "Manage Your Applications"
2. Click button "Ready to Upload Binary" if the status of your app is "Prepare for Upload"

3. iTunes Connect guide you to upload binary with "Application Loader"
- if you have iOS SDK 3.2 or later, you can locate "Application Loader" in folder /Developer/Applications/Utilities
- otherwise, you can download it through link provided on this page

4. Launch "Application Loader", click "Next"

5. Enter iTunes Connect id/password, click "Next"

6. Select the application you are adding binary for, click "Next"

7. Information of application you selected will be displayed on the dialog, click "Choose"

8. Select binary file, click "Send"
- the file need to be build for distribution and are compressed in zip format

* If there's something wrong with the binary file, error messages will be listed below.
Here are some common errors:
- binary file is not signed correctly
- application icon is missing or the format is incorrect (Guide for setting application icon)

9. Authenticating with iTunes Store

10. Uploading binary file

10. Upload complete, back to the Manage your Applications page in iTunes Connect to view the status of your app
- if the binary is not final version and you don't want it to be put in review queue, you can click "Reject This Binary"
- you can resubmit the binary anytime